No Drive No Five

Entertainment / Bowling / No Drive No Five: An expression meaning that to take out the five pin on a pocket hit, the ball must drive through the deflection from the headpin to hit the five pin.
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Other Words for Drive

Drive Verb Synonyms: stab, plunge, thrust, sink, push, send, dig, ram
Drive Noun Synonyms: push, propel, impel, urge, press, thrust, move, motivate, actuate, prod, spur, goad, urge, force, make, compel, coerce, constrain, oblige, pressure or pressurize, high-pressure, induce, require, demand

Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT)

Technology / Cell Phones / Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT): An older analog cellular protocol used in Europe and elsewhere. MORE


Health / Vitamins / Noradrenaline: Also known as norepinephrine. A chemical involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. MORE

Noonan Syndrome

Science / Genetics / Noonan Syndrome: A condition characterized by short stature and ovarian or testicular dysfunction, mental deficiency, and lesions of the heart. MORE

Nordmann Fir

Life Style / Christmas Trees / Nordmann Fir: The preferred Christmas tree in Europe, this evergreen is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. It's grown primarily in the Pacific Northwest and is prized for its fat pyramid shape and MORE


Science / Weather / Noreaster: A cyclonic storm occurring off the east coast of North America. These winter weather events are notorious for producing heavy snow, rain, and tremendous waves that crash onto Atlantic beaches, often c MORE


Science / Weather / Normal: The recognized standard value of a meteorological element as it has been averaged in a given location over a fixed number of years. Normals are concerned with the distribution of data within limits of MORE