Entertainment / Bowling / Pie Alley: A lane that produces high scores; from easy as pie.
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Entertainment / Music / Ripieno: The larger of the two ensembles in the Baroque concerto grosso. Also tutti. MORE
Science / Geology / Rift Valley: A fault trough formed in a divergence zone or other area of tension. MORE
Business / Construction / Roof Valley: The 'V' created where two sloping roofs meet. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Scrapie: A fatal, degenerative neurological disease of sheep and goats. The similarity of scrapie to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) (mad cow) disease in cattle, with the possibility of subsequent trans MORE
Business / Real Estate / Single-Family, Owner-Occupied Dwellings: A dwelling which will be owned and occupied by a signatory to the mortgage or deed of trust secured by such dwelling within 90 days of the execution of the mortgage or deed of trust. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Range Finders (Alley Sights): 5 targets, each 1X7 inch, 6½ inches apart; forming a 2 foot long arrowhead centered 20 feet beyond the foul-line installed in many candlepin centers. MORE