Entertainment / Bowling / Point: To aim the ball directly at the pocket; usually as part of a frozen rope.
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Point Adjective Synonyms: dot, mark, speck, (full) stop, period, decimal point
Point Noun Synonyms: spot, place, stage, position, site, station, location, locale
Science / Spiders / Point-Spread Function: the kernel in the superposition integral (convolution product) that expresses the effect of a linear optical system in the formation of an image of an object. Point spread function and transfer functi MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Principal Point: Point from which the focal length is measured. The principal point of a simple lens is located at the center of the lens. Compound lenses have two principal points, the location of which cannot be det MORE
Science / Astrology / Focal Point: Any point in a horoscope where several influences converge or disperse, such as the position of the squared planet in a T-square formation, the action point in a yod, the handle of a bucket, etc. See MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Point Of View: The way a story gets told and who tells it. It is the method of narration that determines the position, or angle of vision, from which the story unfolds. Point of view governs the reader's access to t MORE
Business / Finance / Point And Figure Chart: A price-only chart that takes into account only whole integer changes in price, i.e., a 2-point change. Point and figure charting disregards the element of time and is used solely to record changes in MORE
Technology / Computers / Point of Presence (POP): A Point of Presence usually means a city or location where a network can be connected to, often with dial up phone lines. So if an Internet company says they will soon have a POP in Belgrade, it means MORE