
Entertainment / Bowling / Scratch: Actual score, without a handicap added. Bowling without the benefit of handicap.
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Other Words for Scratch

Scratch Verb Synonyms: mar, mark, gouge (out), gash, abrade, graze, scuff, grate against, bruise, damage, injure, claw
Scratch Noun Synonyms: chafe, rub

Scratch Coat

Business / Construction / Scratch Coat: The first coat of plaster, which is scratched to form a bond for a second coat. MORE


Life Style / Painting / Sgraffito: Scratching or cutting through a layer of colour to expose the ground or support, or to bring up a second layer of colour underneath the last laid. The term was introduced by Otto von Falke in 1507. MORE

Double Dactyl

Entertainment / Literature / Double Dactyl: A comic verse written with two quatrains, with each line written in dactylic dimeter. The second line may be a name, and the sixth or seventh line may be a single word. J. A. Cuddon's poem, 'Nicholas MORE


Health / Fitness / Striations: Grooves or ridge marks seen under the skin, the ultimate degree of muscle definition. MORE