Semi-Finger Tip

Entertainment / Bowling / Semi-Finger Tip: A grip in which the player's fingers are inserted into the ball approximately half way between the first and second joints. See also conventional and fingertip.
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Other Words for Tip

Tip Noun Synonyms: end, extremity, peak, apex, summit, vertex, cap, top, pinnacle, tiptop, crown, head, terminal, ferrule or ferule, finial, nib or neb, point
Tip Adjective Synonyms: slant, lean, incline, slant, tilt, cant
Tip Verb Synonyms: top, cap, crown, surmount


Technology / Computers / Multiplexer: This is a piece of hardware that allows one item to take the place of several. An example would be using a multiplexer to allow 10 computers to attach where only one could before. MORE


Business / Finance / Multiples: Another name for price-earnings ratios. MORE

Multiple-Thread Screw

Business / Machine Shop / Multiple-Thread Screw: A screw made of two or more threads to provide an increased lead with a specified pitch. MORE


Technology / Cell Phones / Multiplexing: When multiple phone calls are carried in the same frequency band at the same time. In wireless, major multiplexing methods include TDMA and CDMA. MORE


Business / Finance / Multiplier: In the case of an investment a factor that quantifies the overall effects of investment spending on total income. In the case of deposit, a factor that shows the effects of a change in bank deposits o MORE

Putback And Tip-In

Entertainment / Basketball / Putback And Tip-In: A putback describes a situation where a player secures an offensive rebound then immediately scores a basket. If the player secures the rebound while in the air, to be considered a putback the player MORE