Entertainment / Bowling / Vent Hole: An extra hole drilled to relieve suction in the thumb hole; not a gripping hole.
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Hole Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, excavation, burrow, crater, cavern, cave, recess, niche, nook, pocket, depression, indentation, dent, impression
Vent Adjective Synonyms: opening, slit, slot, hole, aperture, air-hole, blow-hole, spiracle, orifice, outlet, inlet, funnel, flue, duct, passage, fumarole, fissure, pipe, mofette or moffette
Vent Noun Synonyms: give vent to, express, verbalize, air, articulate, enunciate, declare, voice, announce, communicate, pronounce, proclaim, reveal, release, let go, let loose, allow to become known, make known, blurt out, make public, broadcast
Business / Finance / Property Inventory: A list of personal property with corresponding values and initial costs often used to substantiate insurance claim and tax losses. MORE
Business / Accounting / Retail Inventory Method: A procedure for estimating the dollar amount of ending inventory: the ending inventory at retail prices is converted to a cost basis by using a ratio of the cost and the retail prices of goods availab MORE
Life Style / Painting / Rust Preventative Paint: The first coat of paint applied directly to iron or steel structures to slow down or prevent rust. MORE
Life Style / Adoption / Secondary Prevention: Activities targeted to prevent breakdowns and dysfunctions among families who have been identified as at risk for abuse and neglect. MORE
Life Style / Adoption / Primary Prevention: Activities geared to a sample of the general population to prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring. Also referred to as 'universal prevention.' MORE
Health / Dentistry / Preventive Treatment: Any action taken by the patient, assisted by the dentist, hygienist, and the office staff that serves to prevent dental or other disease. Sealants, cleanings and space maintainers are examples of prev MORE