Entertainment / Bowling / Wall: (1) the sideboards/kickback (2) the crown of oil (3) a very easy shot
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Wall Verb Synonyms: screen, partition, divider, enclosure, separator, bulkhead, barrier, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, block, fence
Life Style / Coffee / Wallenford Estate: At one time the most celebrated and best of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Now simply any Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee from the Wallensford mill. MORE
Business / Construction / Drywall: (or Gypsum Wallboard (GWB), Sheet rock or Plasterboard) A manufactured panel made out of gypsum plaster and encased in a thin cardboard. Usually 1/2' thick and 4' x 8' or 4' x 12' in size. The panels MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Third Wall: Usually referred to as the 'fourth wall,' depending upon how a stagebuilder numbers the sides of the stage, the third or fourth wall is an imaginary barrier that separates the events on stage from the MORE
Science / Weather / Wall Cloud: An abrupt lowering of a cloud from its parent cloud base, a cumulonimbus or supercell, with no visible precipitation underneath. Forming in the area of a thunderstorm updraft, or inflow area, it exhib MORE
Business / Construction / Balloon Framed Wall: Framed walls (generally over 10' tall) that run the entire vertical length from the floor sill plate to the roof. This is done to eliminate the need for a gable end truss. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Sidewalls The Kickbacks: Vertical division boards between the sides of the lanes at the pit end. On many hits the pins can bounce off the kickbacks and knock down more pins. Variations: Loose kickback means that there is not MORE