Entertainment / Golf / Address: (also called 'set up' or 'address position') the position that the player assumes when preparing to make a stroke
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Address Verb Synonyms: speak or talk to, deliver or give a speech to, lecture
Address Noun Synonyms: speech, talk, discourse, oration, lecture, sermon
Technology / Email / IP Address: A unique number assigned to each device connected to the Internet. An IP address can be dynamic, meaning it changes each time an email message or campaign goes out, or it can be static, meaning it doe MORE
Technology / Computers / Media Access Control (MAC) Address: In networking, MAC Address refers to the globally unique hardware address of an Ethernet network interface card. MORE
Technology / Computers / Absolute Address: The exact memory location of data or a specific location within a device. MORE
Technology / Email / Spam-Trap Address: An email address that is set up specifically to catch people who are harvesting addresses or using directory attacks to send unsolicited email. Used by Brightmail, ISPs and many in the anti-spam commu MORE
Technology / Computers / Logical Block Addressing (LBA): In a system using an enhanced BIOS and Operating System that supports the use of LBA, it would then be possible for the computer to use a larger hard drive. LBA allows for use of a unique sector numbe MORE
Technology / Email / Email Change of Address (ECOA): A process that provides updated email addresses for data files based on consumer-provided, permission-based data. MORE