Entertainment / Golf / Ball In Pocket: (also 'b.i.p.') when a player has picked up his ball and does not intend to complete a hole with a valid score
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Pocket Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, crater
Pocket Adjective Synonyms: pouch, sack, bag, receptacle, reticule, satchel
Business / Finance / Order Splitting: Breaking up orders so that they can be processed as small orders for execution by SOES. Prohibited by NASD. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Orderly Marketing: Coordination of the total supply of a commodity in order to achieve sellers’ joint market objectives. This is an activity carried out by some marketing order programs. MORE
Business / Finance / Options Clearing Corporation (OCC): Applies to derivative products. Financial institution that is the actual issuer and guarantor of all listed option contracts. MORE
Business / Taxes / Options Chain: Options chains are charts showing all the options currently available on a particular underlying instrument. A chain, also called an options string, provides the latest price quotes for all of those c MORE
Business / Real Estate / Option Listing: A listing in which the broker also retains an option to purchase the property for the brokers own account. In view of the body of litigation involving breach of fiduciary duties by brokers who conceal MORE
Business / Finance / Option Margin: The margin requirement for options described in Regulation T and in brokers' individual policies. MORE