
Entertainment / Golf / Beach: Any sand-filled hazard
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Other Words for Beach

Beach Verb Synonyms: ground, run aground, strand, careen
Beach Noun Synonyms: shore, lakeshore, bank, seashore, seaside, lido, strand, coast, margin, littoral

Keke Beach

Entertainment / Liquor / Keke Beach: A key lime liqueur. MORE

Daytona Bike Week

Technology / Motorcycle / Daytona Bike Week: A motorcycle event and rally held annually in Daytona Beach, Florida. Approximately 500,000 people make their way to the rally area for the 10-day event. The festivities include motorcycle racing, con MORE

Intrusive Schwa

Entertainment / Literature / Intrusive Schwa: In linguistics, the addition of a schwa sound where historically it has no etymological basis. For instance Algeo notes that some dialects add a schwa sound between the and in the name Henry, MORE

Specialty Coffee Association Of America (Scaa)

Life Style / Coffee / Specialty Coffee Association Of America (Scaa): An important and influential association of specialty coffee roasters, wholesalers, retailers, importers and growers headquartered in Long Beach, California. MORE