Entertainment / Golf / Borrow: The allowance for the break or curve of a shot (usually associated with putts or chips)
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Borrow Verb Synonyms: take, appropriate, draw, adopt, refer to, obtain, sponge, cadge, touch (someone) for, bum, mooch
Business / Loan / Borrower: A person who receives funds in the form of a loan with the obligation to repay the loan in full. MORE
Business / Finance / Borrowed Reserves: Funds borrowed from a Federal Reserve Bank by member banks to maintain the required reserve ratios. MORE
Business / Finance / Borrower Fallout: In the mortgage pipeline, the risk that prospective borrowers of loans committed to be closed will elect to withdraw from the contract. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Borrowing: As Simon Horobin defines it, 'The process by which words are adopted into one language from another' (192). Linguists use this term because borrowing sounds better than the term stealing, which would MORE
Business / Finance / Short-Term Borrowing: A bond mutual fund holding short to intermediate-term bonds that have maturities of three to five years. MORE
Business / Finance / Long-Term Borrowing: Liabilities that represent money borrowed from banks or other lenders to fund the ongoing operations of a business and that will not come due within one year. MORE