
Entertainment / Golf / Chip: (also 'chip and run, chip and roll, bump and run') a shot that is designed to roll (run) farther than it flies (usually, but not always, from near the green)
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Other Words for Chip

Chip Verb Synonyms: chisel, whittle, hew
Chip Noun Synonyms: fragment, piece, shard or sherd, splinter, flake, sliver, scrap, morsel, bit


Business / Machine Shop / Chipping: The process of cutting metal with a cold chisel and hammer. MORE

Blue Chip Stock

Business / Taxes / Blue Chip Stock: Blue chip stock is the common stock of a large, well-regarded US company. The companies in that informal category are collectively known as blue chips companies. Blue chips have a long-established rec MORE


Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Chippy: Players are getting irritated with one another. MORE


Technology / Computers / Chipset: A chip or set of chips that integrates into the clock generator, bus controller, system timer, interrupt controller, DMA controller, CMOS RAM/clock, and keyboard controller on a motherboard. Often kno MORE

Gene Chip Technology

Science / Genetics / Gene Chip Technology: Development of cdna microarrays from a large number of genes. Used to monitor and measure changes in gene expression for each gene represented on the chip. MORE

Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS)

Business / Finance / Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS): Funds from the Federal Reserve System, requiring three days to clear, that are passed to and from banks. MORE