Entertainment / Golf / Come Out Of It: Raising of the posture too early in the downswing
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Come Verb Synonyms: approach, advance, (draw) near, move, literary draw nigh
Out Adverb Synonyms: outside, outdoors, in or into the open air
Out Adjective Synonyms: outlying, distant, far-off, peripheral
Health / Herbs / Peppermint (Mentha piperita): Reduces cramps, antispasm, stimulant. MORE
Business / Finance / Penultimate Profit Prospect (PPP): The second-lowest-priced of the ten highest-yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average that is said (by authors O'Higgins and Downes) to be the Dow stock with the best possibility of outperfo MORE
Business / Finance / Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC): A federal agency that insures the vested benefits of pension plan participants (established in 1974 by the ERISA legislation). MORE
Business / Taxes / Per Capita: Per capita is the legal term for one of the ways that assets being transferred by your will can be distributed to the beneficiaries of your estate. Under a per capita distribution, each person named a MORE
Business / Finance / Per Capita Debt: The total bonded debt of a municipality divided by the population of the municipality. MORE
Business / Finance / Perfect Competition: An idealized market environment in which every market participant is too small to affect the market price by acting on its own. MORE