Come Out Of It

Entertainment / Golf / Come Out Of It: Raising of the posture too early in the downswing
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Other Words for Come

Come Verb Synonyms: approach, advance, (draw) near, move, literary draw nigh

Other Words for Out

Out Adverb Synonyms: outside, outdoors, in or into the open air
Out Adjective Synonyms: outlying, distant, far-off, peripheral

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Health / Herbs / Peppermint (Mentha piperita): Reduces cramps, antispasm, stimulant. MORE

Penultimate Profit Prospect (PPP)

Business / Finance / Penultimate Profit Prospect (PPP): The second-lowest-priced of the ten highest-yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average that is said (by authors O'Higgins and Downes) to be the Dow stock with the best possibility of outperfo MORE

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)

Business / Finance / Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC): A federal agency that insures the vested benefits of pension plan participants (established in 1974 by the ERISA legislation). MORE

Per Capita

Business / Taxes / Per Capita: Per capita is the legal term for one of the ways that assets being transferred by your will can be distributed to the beneficiaries of your estate. Under a per capita distribution, each person named a MORE

Per Capita Debt

Business / Finance / Per Capita Debt: The total bonded debt of a municipality divided by the population of the municipality. MORE

Perfect Competition

Business / Finance / Perfect Competition: An idealized market environment in which every market participant is too small to affect the market price by acting on its own. MORE