Cover The Ball

Entertainment / Golf / Cover The Ball: (also 'trap the ball') to contact the ball with the hands forward (more toward the target than the club head), causing to some degree a descending angle of approach and a hooded club face, thereby compressing or flattening the ball well
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Other Words for Cover

Cover Noun Synonyms: protect, shelter, shield, screen, guard, defend, command
Cover Verb Synonyms: overlie, spread over, overspread, lie on, layer, coat, blanket

Other Words for The

The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz

Polarity Therapy

Health / Massage / Polarity Therapy: Polarity therapy is based on universal principles of energy--attraction, repulsion, and neutrality. The interrelation of these principles forms the basis for every aspect of life, including our experi MORE


Science / Marine Biology / Poikilotherm: An organism whose body temperature is identical to that of the external environment MORE

Polishing The Ball

Entertainment / Bowling / Polishing The Ball: The process of applying a foreign substance to a ball in order to lessen the friction between the ball and the lane; the ball becomes shinier/glossier and the goal is for the ball to hook later and le MORE

Pooh-Pooh Hypothesis

Entertainment / Literature / Pooh-Pooh Hypothesis: In linguistics, the idea that language began as emotional outbursts or surprised exclamations, contrast with the bow-wow theory, the ding-dong theory, and the yo-he-ho theory. MORE

Portfolio Separation Theorem

Business / Finance / Portfolio Separation Theorem: Theory that an investor's choice of a risky investment portfolio is separate from his attitude towards risk. Related: Fisher's separation theorem. MORE

Popping The Ribs

Health / Pilates / Popping The Ribs: Splaying and spreading the ribs. Popping the ribs weakens the torso and can overarch the back, as in military posture. MORE