Entertainment / Golf / Depth Charge: A putt that is lagged softly down a slippery (fast) slope and intended to just get close rather than hit the mark
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Charge Verb Synonyms: fill, imbue, load, instil, pervade, permeate, saturate, suffuse
Charge Noun Synonyms: load, burden, weight, onus, impediment, care, concern, obligation
Depth Adjective Synonyms: deepness, extent, measure, profundity, profoundness
Depth Noun Synonyms: profundity, profoundness, abstruseness, obscurity, reconditeness, complexity, intricacy
Life Style / Travel / Mileage Charge: A additional fee charged for each mile of a rental car driven beyond the limited mileage allowance at the time of the rental. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Maintenance Charges: Monthly or annual charges assessed in a condominium, planned united development, or cooperative development to cover operational costs. MORE
Business / Debt / Late Charge: A charge imposed by a lender to a borrower when the borrower fails to make payment on the due date. MORE
Business / Taxes / Minimum Finance Charge: A minimum finance charge is a fee collected by a credit card issuer each billing period. It applies when the actual finance charge you owe isn’t equal to or larger than this minimum. For example, if MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Mixing Depth: The water depth to which wind energy evenly mixes the water column MORE
Business / Finance / Noncash Charge: A cost, such as depreciation, depletion, and amortization, that does not involve any cash outflow. MORE