Entertainment / Golf / Dip: Downward movement of the spine and head during the swing - not desirable
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Dip Verb Synonyms: decline, go down, fall, descend, sag, sink, subside, slump
Dip Noun Synonyms: lowering, sinking, depression, drop, slump, decline
Dip Adjective Synonyms: immerse, plunge, duck, dunk, douse, bathe, submerge
Entertainment / Literature / Diphthong: (from Greek dipthongus) A complex speech sound in which a speaker begins to articulate one vowel and moves to another vowel or semi-vowel sound by switching the position of tongue and lips. For exampl MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Dipody: In classical prosody, dipody describes the combination of two feet into another single metrical unit. Often used interchangeably with the more general term syzygy, this dipody involves the substitutio MORE
Science / Chemistry / Electric Dipole Moment: A measure of the degree of polarity of a polar molecule. Dipole moment is a vector with magnitude equal to charge separation times the distance between the centers of positive and negative charges. Ch MORE
Health / First Aid / Diphenhydramine: Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine sold over-the-counter. Diphenhydramine is also sold as a sleep aid. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Dipole: A speaker design that uses two sets of drivers to generate equal amounts of sound both forward and backward, or side to side, with the two sounds being 'out of phase.' Dipoles are often used as surrou MORE
Technology / Computers / Dual In-Line Package (DIP): This is a type of chip that was most popular when memory was directly installed on the motherboard. It can be identified by its rectangular casing and has two rows of connector pins on both sides. MORE