Entertainment / Golf / Drink: Another term for a water hazard
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Drink Noun Synonyms: quaff, imbibe, sip, gulp, swallow, swill, guzzle, toss off, lap (up), wet one's whistle, swig, knock back, belt
Drink Verb Synonyms: tipple, nip, indulge, tope, chug-a-lug, carouse, booze, bend the elbow, hit the bottle, go on a binge or bender, drown one's sorrows, go on a toot, pub-crawl
Business / Real Estate / Safe Drinking Water Act: Enacted by Congress in 1974, this federal law administered by the EPA and equivalent state regulators to establish and enforce drinking water standards. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA): P.L. 93-523 (December 16, 1974) as amended, is the key federal law for protecting public water systems from harmful contaminants. First enacted in 1974, the Act, as amended, is administered by the Env MORE
Life Style / Tea / Self Drinking: rounded, well bodied tea that can be served unblended MORE
Business / Agriculture / Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): An independent federal government agency established in 1970 and charged with coordinating effective governmental action concerning the environment, including setting standards, promulgating and enfor MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Zinc (Zn): Atomic number: 30, Atomic mass: 65.37 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.6, Density: 7.11 g.cm-3 at 20°C, Melting point: 420 °C, Boiling point: 907 °C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.138 nm, Ionic radius: 0.074 MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Anacreontics: Poetry or song-verse modeled on the poetry of the Greek poet Anacreon--i.e., carpe diem poetry praising hedonistic pleasures of wine, women, and song, written in trochaic tetrameter. Here is a typical MORE