Entertainment / Golf / Dub: (also 'duff, top') a badly misplayed shot, usually associated with the ball never leaving the ground as a result of hitting the top or side of the ball or hitting the ground well behind the ball
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Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Dubnium (Db): Atomic number: 105, Atomic mass: 261.9 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: unknown, Density: unknown, Melting point: unknown, Boiling point: unknown, Vanderwaals radius: unknown, Ionic radius: unknown, Isoto MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Dubonnet: A French brand of apertif wine made from aromatics. MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Ununquadium (Uuq): Atomic number: 114, Atomic mass: 289 g.mol -1, Electronegativity acoording to Pauling: unknown, Density: unknown, Melting point: unknown, Boiling point: unknown, Vanderwaals radius: unknown, Ionic rad MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Ununtrium (Uut): Atomic number: 113, Atomic mass: unknown, Electronegativity acoording to Pauling: unknown, Density: unknown, Melting point: unknown, Boiling point: unknown, Vanderwaals radius: unknown, Ionic radius: MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Ununpentium (Uup): Atomic number: 115, Atomic mass: unknown, Electronegativity acoording to Pauling: unknown, Density: unknown, Melting point: unknown, Boiling point: unknown, Vanderwaals radius: unknown, Ionic radius: MORE