Entertainment / Golf / Duck Hook: (also 'snap hook, snapper, quacker') a shot that curves abruptly and severely right to left (right-handed player)
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Duck Verb Synonyms: bob, dodge, dip, dive, stoop, bow, bend, crouch
Hook Noun Synonyms: hanger, peg, holder, fastener, catch, clasp, clip, pin
Hook Verb Synonyms: snare, trap, fish-hook
Science / Geology / Hookes Law: The principle that the stress within a solid is proportional to the strain. It holds only for strains of a few percent or less. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Hook Shot: The hook shot is one of the most effective inside moves, but it is also quite difficult to execute. A hook shot begins when the player puts his body between the ball and the opponent. He then releases MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Hook Out (Hook And Set): A type of ball reaction on the lanes where the ball begins to hook and then stops its hooking action and turns into more of an end over end roll. Can be very effective (Amletto Monicelli comes to mind MORE
Science / Weather / Hook Echo: A radar reflectivity pattern observed in a thunderstorm, appearing like a fish hook and indicating favorable conditions for tornadic development. However, hook echoes and tornadoes do not always accom MORE