Entertainment / Golf / Face Balanced: A method of weighting a putter so that when the shaft is balanced on the finger the face points generally upward
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Face Verb Synonyms: coat, surface, cover, clad, dress, sheathe, overlay, finish, veneer
Face Noun Synonyms: mask, veneer, facade, front, camouflage, pretence, disguise, (false) impression, semblance, masquerade
Face Adjective Synonyms: visage, countenance, physiognomy, features, lineaments, mug, mush, kisser, pan, puss, phiz, phizog, dial, clock
Business / Accounting / Principal (Face Value Or Maturity Value): The amount that will be paid on a bond at a maturity date. The original amount of money invested, excluding any interest or dividends (e.g., $1,000 to purchase a Treasury bill). MORE
Business / Finance / Original Face Value: The principal amount of a mortgage as of its issue date. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Occlusal Surface: The chewing surface of the back teeth. MORE
Technology / Computers / Network Interface Card (NIC): An adapter installed in an expansion slot or integrated onto the motherboard and allows the computer to connect to a network. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Refinish or Resurface: To sand and/or polish a ball that is heavily tracked in an attempt to restore the out-of-box finish. MORE
Science / Biology / Respiratory Surface: A thin, moist, epithelial surface that oxygen can cross to move into the body and carbon dioxide can cross to move out of the body. MORE