
Entertainment / Golf / Feel: (also 'touch') the sensation of, or level sensitivity for, playing shots in golf
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Other Words for Feel

Feel Noun Synonyms: stroke, caress, pet, fondle
Feel Verb Synonyms: touch, see, note, sense, perceive, experience, determine, handle, manipulate, finger

Feeler Gage

Business / Machine Shop / Feeler Gage: A gage consisting of a group of very thin blades, each of which is accurately ground to a specific thickness. MORE

Look and Feel

Entertainment / Video Games / Look and Feel: Based on the legal principle of 'trade dress.' Someone might make a video game that plays roughly similarly to, for example, Tetris, without violating copyrights or trademarks of the owners of Tetris. MORE

Made Feelings

Science / Psychiatry / Made Feelings: delusional belief that ones free will has been removed and an external agency is controlling ones feelings MORE

Feel Bowling

Entertainment / Bowling / Feel Bowling: The practice of using your instincts to make subconscious adjustments in release as you throw the ball; see also area bowling. More common in today's bowling environment where power is often better th MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Memoir-Novel: A novel purporting to be a factual or autobiographical account but which is completely or partially imaginary. The authorial voice or speaker is typically a made-up character who never actually lived. MORE

Sentimental Novel

Entertainment / Literature / Sentimental Novel: An eighteenth-century or early nineteenth-century novel emphasizing pathos rather than reason and focusing on an optimistic view of the essential goodness of human nature. Examples include Laurence St MORE