Green Grass

Entertainment / Golf / Green Grass: Used to indicate a retail golf shop operation on the premises of a golf course
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Other Words for Grass

Grass Adjective Synonyms: traitor, informer, stool-pigeon, stoolie, squealer, snitch, squeaker, rat, nark
Grass Noun Synonyms: inform, betray, give away, peach, squeal, snitch, squeak, tattle, rat on, sell out, blow the gaff, nark

Other Words for Green

Green Adjective Synonyms: verdant, grassy, fresh, leafy, rural, country-like

Greenwich Argument

Science / Tides and Currents / Greenwich Argument: Equilibrium argument computed for the meridian of Greenwich. MORE

Greenstick Fracture

Health / First Aid / Greenstick Fracture: Kids commonly get incomplete fractures known as greenstick fractures. MORE

Greenwich Interval

Science / Tides and Currents / Greenwich Interval: An interval referred to the transit of the Moon over the meridian of Greenwich, as distinguished from the local interval which is referred to the Moon's transit over the local meridian. The relation i MORE

Greenwich Mean Time (Gmt)

Life Style / Travel / Greenwich Mean Time (Gmt): Solar based time in greenwich, england, fon which time in all other time zones in the world is based. MORE


Entertainment / Golf / Kikuyugrass: (also just 'kikuyu') very durable, creeping, wiry grass, originally from africa, often used in warm, dry regions MORE


Entertainment / Golf / Greensome: An alternate shot tournament format with two two-man teams in each foursome, each player hits a tee shot, then the best tee shot of each two-man team is selected and the other ball is picked up, the p MORE