Entertainment / Golf / Hole In One: (also 'ace') a score of 1 on a hole, holing the tee shot
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Hole Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, excavation, burrow, crater, cavern, cave, recess, niche, nook, pocket, depression, indentation, dent, impression
One Noun Synonyms: unified, united, inseparable, joined, undivided, one and the same, identical, equal, at one, harmonious, in unison, whole, entire, complete
One Adjective Synonyms: single, lone, solitary, individual, sole, only
Business / Finance / OTC Bulletin Board: An electronic quotation listing of the bid and asked prices of OTC stocks that do not meet the requirements to be listed on the NASDAQ stock-listing system. MORE
Business / Taxes / OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB): During the trading day, the electronic OTC bulletin board (OTCBB) provides continuously updated real-time bid and ask prices, volume information, and last-sale prices. The OTC lists this information f MORE
Entertainment / Music / Ostinato: A short melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic pattern that is repeated throughout a work or a section of one. MORE
Health / Massage / Osteopathic Medicine: This system of comprehensive medical care goes beyond conventional medical philosophy to include an emphasis on structural balance of the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic physicians use joint manip MORE
Health / Dentistry / Osseointegration: Implies that a contact is established without interposition of non-bone tissue between normal remodeled bone and an implant entailing a sustained transfer and distribution of load from the implant to MORE
Health / Massage / Osteokinetics: This therapy utilizes dialogue, coached breathing, and applying qigong from one side of the body through to the other while lengthening, stretching and manipulating the body, all of which creates spac MORE