Entertainment / Golf / In Play: Officially, the ball is in play once the tee shot comes to rest anywhere on the course (not out of bounds) -- informally, more commonly used to also include the fact that the next shot is 'playable' (i.e., not in the forest, a water hazard, potentially lost, etc.)
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Play Noun Synonyms: amusement, frivolity, entertainment, recreation, fun, pleasure, sport, merrymaking, revelry, tomfoolery, horseplay, skylarking, monkey business, monkey tricks or monkeyshines
Play Verb Synonyms: engage, contend with, compete with or against, challenge, vie with, pit oneself against, take on, rival
Play Adjective Synonyms: amuse oneself, frolic, frisk, cavort, gambol, caper, sport, have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself, disport (oneself), carouse
Entertainment / Liquor / Oude Meester Ginger Liqueur: South African ginger liqueur. MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Oude Meester Peppermint Liqueur: South African peppermint liqueur. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Other Income Benefits: While disabled, an employee may be eligible for benefits from other sources. Benefits payable under the Long Term Disability plan may be reduced by other sources of income such as Social Security and MORE
Business / Finance / Other Income: Income from activities that are not undertaken in the ordinary course of a firm's business. MORE
Business / Finance / OTC Margin Stock: Shares traded over-the-counter that can be used as margin securities under Regulation T. MORE
Life Style / Time Shares / Ote (Organisation For Timeshare In Europe): A trade association in Europe composed of resort owners and developers. The OTE is similar to ARDA, but with more of an emphasis on consumer affairs. MORE