Inside The Leather

Entertainment / Golf / Inside The Leather: Closer to the hole than the length of the putter (from the head to where the grip begins), archaic: putters used to be of uniform length and the shortest club in the bag, and grips used to be made of leather, thus the phrase (inside = closer than) + (the leather = where the grip begins) -- it was common practice among some groups of golfers, before greens were so well manicured, to place the head of the putter in the hole and then lay it down on the green toward the ball to see if the remaining distance was inside the leather' -- see also 'gimme'
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Other Words for Inside

Inside Adjective Synonyms: fundamentally, basically, at bottom, by nature
Inside Adverb Synonyms: within, inside of
Inside Verb Synonyms: interior, centre, core, middle, heart, contents, lining, backing
Inside Noun Synonyms: favoured, advantageous, favorable, advantaged, privileged, preferred, preferential, propitious, exclusive, internal, private, secret, confidential, privy, clandestine

Other Words for The

The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz

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