Entertainment / Golf / Lateral Hazard: (also 'lateral water hazard') a water hazard (whether filled with water or not) which is generally adjacent to, or to one side or another of, the line of play (usually marked with red stakes or lines)
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Hazard Noun Synonyms: peril, danger, risk, endangerment, threat, jeopardy
Business / Agriculture / Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN): Negotiations between General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) member nations that are conducted under the auspices of the GATT and that are aimed at reducing tariff and nontariff trade barriers. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Multilateral Agreement: A trade agreement involving three or more countries (as with the World Trade Organization) in contrast to a bilateral agreement (as with the US-Canada Free Trade agreement) involving only two countrie MORE
Health / Disease / National Priorities List For Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites: (National Priorities List or NPL) EPA's list of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites in the United States. The NPL is updated on a regular basis. MORE
Health / Disease / No Public Health Hazard: A category used in ATSDR's public health assessment documents for sites where people have never and will never come into contact with harmful amounts of site-related substances. MORE
Science / Spiders / Prolateral: Projecting from, or on, the side facing forwards. MORE
Business / Finance / Moral Hazard: The risk that the existence of a contract will change the behavior of one or both parties to the contract, e.g., an insured firm will take fewer fire precautions. MORE