Entertainment / Golf / Lay Up: (also 'lay back, play for position', sometimes 'transport shot') a shot played to a particular location to allow for an easier subsequent shot or to keep the ball from going too far (e.g., when the fairway ends in a deep canyon and it is not possible to carry the canyon from the current position)
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Lay Verb Synonyms: stake, bet, wager, gamble, hazard, risk
Lay Adjective Synonyms: place, put (down), set (down), position, deposit, spread
Entertainment / Literature / Scribal Corruption: A general term referring to errors in a text made by later scribes rather than the original authors. In many cases, these mistakes are obviously the result of human error while copying, such as accide MORE
Business / Construction / Scupper: (1) An opening for drainage in a wall, curb or parapet. (2) The drain in a downspout or flat roof, usually connected to the downspout. MORE
Health / Yoga / Seated-Wide Leg Forward Bend (Upavista Konasana): A seated pose. Sit and spread your legs wide apart. Keep your buttocks on the floor. Extend and stretch your body, bringing your abdomen, chest and chin down onto the floor between your legs. MORE
Technology / Computers / Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): A protocol designed by Netscape Communications to enable encrypted, authenticated communications across the Internet. SSL is used mostly in communications between Web browsers and Web servers. URLs th MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Screenplay: Generally speaking, a written description of a program, wherein the action and dialogue are described scene-by-scene. (Terms used to describe different types of scripts vary considerably within the te MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Satyr Play: A burlesque play submitted by Athenian playwrights along with their tragic trilogies. On each day of the Dionysia, one tragedy was performed, followed by one satyr play. MORE