Entertainment / Golf / Loose Impediment: Any natural object that is not fixed or growing (e.g., rocks, twigs, leaves, etc.)
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Impediment Adjective Synonyms: bar, barrier, obstruction, block, check, hindrance, encumbrance, restraint, hold-up, hitch, snag, restriction, stricture, bottleneck, delay, hang-up, inhibition, curb
Loose Noun Synonyms: unconfined, untied, unfettered, released, freed, unshackled, unchained, free, at liberty, at large, on the loose, untrammelled
Loose Verb Synonyms: unattached, unconnected, disconnected, detached, free, unsecured, unfastened, movable
Loose Adverb Synonyms: let go, (set) free, release, let or set or turn loose, liberate, deliver
Loose Adjective Synonyms: unconfining, free-flowing, flowing, baggy, slack, hanging
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Loose Puck: The puck when it is not being controlled by either team. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Loosening Of Associations: A disturbance of thinking shown by speech in which ideas shift from one subject to another that is unrelated or minimally related to the first. Statements that lack a meaningful relationship may be ju MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Loose Impediment: Any natural object that is not fixed or growing (e.g., rocks, twigs, leaves, etc.) MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Loose Hit: A hit low in the pocket, more on the 3-pin for a righthander and the 2-pin for a leftie, than on the head pin. Also known as a low hit. MORE
Business / Finance / Loose Credit: Policy by the Federal Reserve Board to make loans less expensive and more available by reducing interest rates through open market operations. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Loose Ball: A ball that is not in possession of either team, such as after a fumble or a kickoff; it can be recovered by either team. MORE