
Entertainment / Golf / Par: 1. The standard number of strokes in which a scratch player would be expected to complete a hole or course 2. (also 'even, even par, level, level par') the score of par for a course, or the state of being at that score during or at the conclusion of play
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Other Words for Par

Par Verb Synonyms: level, rank, standing, scale, standard
Par Noun Synonyms: standard, normal, average, expected

National Rural Development Partnership

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Entertainment / Literature / Parole: In Ferdinand de Saussure's theory of semiology, parole is the use of language--i.e., manifestations of actual speech and writing. Parole contrasts with langue, the invisible underlying system of langu MORE


Health / First Aid / Paramedic: Paramedics provide advanced life support to victims. Paramedics may work in the emergency department, fire department, public gatherings and factories. MORE

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Department Of The Interior (DOI)

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Parked Motorcycle Syndrome (PMS)

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