
Entertainment / Golf / Pill: Another term for a golf ball
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Other Words for Pill

Pill Noun Synonyms: tablet, capsule, bolus, pellet, pilule, medicine, medication, medicament, drug, pharmaceutical, remedy, cure, cough drop, pastille, lozenge, troche


Technology / Television (TV) / Spill-In: The penetration of a television signal transmitted from outside the market area. MORE


Health / Disease / Spill-Back: The transmission of infectious agents from wildlife populations back to domestic population. MORE

Poison Pill

Business / Finance / Poison Pill: Anti-takeover device that gives a prospective acquiree's shareholders the right to buy shares of the firm or shares of anyone who acquires the firm at a deep discount to their fair market value. Named MORE


Technology / Television (TV) / Spill-Out: The transmission of a television signal beyond its own market area. MORE


Health / Disease / Spill-Over: The transmission of infectious agents from reservoir domestic populations to wildlife populations. MORE

Sun Pillar

Science / Weather / Sun Pillar: Horizontal ice crystals in the form of plates, which occur in clouds and ice fog near the earth's surface, reflect sunlight into vertical sun pillars for a spectacular display. MORE