Entertainment / Golf / Pin High: (also 'hole high') when the ball has travelled the correct distance and is even with the hole, but off to one side or the other (whether or not it's on the green)
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High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone
High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
Pin Noun Synonyms: brooch, clip, stickpin, tie-pin, scarf-pin, tie tack
Pin Verb Synonyms: peg, dowel, bolt, thole, thole-pin, spike, rivet, drawing-pin, push-pin
Entertainment / Bowling / Pinching The Ball: Taking too tight a grip on the ball. Gripping the ball too hard. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Pinch Runner: A player entering the game to run for someone already on base. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Pinch Hitter: A hitter who substitutes in the line-up for a starting player. The original batter can’t return to the game, so the pinch hitter or a third person takes over the defensive position as well. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Pinacryptol: Yellow and green dye powders which are used in desensitizing solutions. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Pincushion Distortion: Lens aberration causing parallel, straight lines at the edge of the image to curve toward the lens axis. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Pindeck (Plate): The area upon which the pins are set. MORE