Entertainment / Golf / Pot Bunker: A small deep bunker, typically with steep sides, requiring a very steep angle of ascent to escape
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Pot Noun Synonyms: pan, saucepan, cauldron, cook-pot, stewpot, kettle
Pot Verb Synonyms: pot-belly, paunch, gut, corporation, beer belly, spare tire, bay window
Entertainment / Bowling / Spot: A place on the LANE where a bowler is aiming, (also, part of a track or line.) Your target on the lanes; it might be a dot, an arrow or a darker board etc. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Spot Beam: A spot beam is a satellite transmission that is focused on a specific area within the footprint, or broadcast area, of the satellite. Both DISH Network and directv use spot beams to increase the capa MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Spot Bowling: Using a particular target on the lane, rather than the pins themselves, as an aiming point. Many bowlers use the range finders, for example. MORE
Business / Finance / Soft Spot: A buyer's market in which supply exceeds demand, causing little trading activity and wide bid-ask spreads. MORE
Science / Biology / Sodium-Potassium Pump: The mechanism that uses ATP energy to reset the sodium and potassium ions after transmission of a nerve impulse. MORE
Science / Biology / Resting Potential: The difference in electrical charge across the plasma membrane of a neuron. MORE