Entertainment / Golf / Rating: see course rating
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Business / Finance / S and P Rating: Rating service provided by S&P that indicates the amount of risk involved with different securities. MORE
Business / Construction / Credit Rating: A report ordered by a lender from a credit agency to determine a borrower's credit habits. MORE
Business / Finance / Bond Rating: A rating based on the possibility of default by a bond issuer. The ratings range from AAA (highly unlikely to default) to D (in default). See: Rating, investment grade. MORE
Science / Geology / Rating Curve: A plot that shows the relationship between the stage and discharge (streamflow) of a specific stream at a specific location. It is customary to plot stream stage on the y-axis of the plot and discharg MORE
Business / Accounting / Operating Performance Ratio: An overall measure of the efficiency of operations during a period: computed by dividing net income by net sales. MORE
Business / Accounting / Operating Leverage: The extent to which fixed costs are part of a company's cost structure: the higher the proportion of fixed costs, the faster income increases or decreases with sales volumes. MORE