Entertainment / Golf / Sand Save: (also 'sandy, sandie') getting the ball in the hole in just two shots from a green side bunker (usually assumes making par or better)
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Save Noun Synonyms: lay or put aside, lay or put by, lay or put away, keep, retain, set apart, hold, reserve, preserve, conserve, economize, scrimp, scrape
Save Adjective Synonyms: (come to someone's) rescue, deliver, (set) free, liberate, release, redeem, bail (someone) out, recover, salvage, retrieve
Save Verb Synonyms: obviate, preclude, spare, prevent
Entertainment / Bowling / Sanding A Ball: The process of applying an abrasive to alter the surface of the ball, the goal to make the ball grab the lanes sooner and hook both earlier and more. To be legal, the entire surface of the ball must b MORE
Life Style / Painting / Sanding Surfaces: A heavily pigmented finishing material used for building the surface to a smooth condition. It is sanded after drying. MORE
Science / Geology / Sandstone: A detrital sedimentary rock composed of grains from 1/16 to 2 millimeters in diameter, dominated in most sandstones by quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments, bound together by a cement of silica, carbo MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Sandbox: There has been debate and speculation that Google puts all new sites into a “sandbox,” preventing them from ranking well for anything until a set period of time has passed. The existence or exact MORE
Science / Geology / Sandblasting: A physical weathering process in which rock is eroded by the impact of sand grains carried by the wind, frequently leading to ventifact formation of pebbles and cobbles. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Sand Wedge: (also 'sandwedge, sand iron') a lofted club with a flange specifically designed for (but not limited to) use in the sand MORE