Entertainment / Golf / Scoring: 1. The markings (grooves, dimples, scratches, etc.) On the face of a golf club 2. The act of keeping one's total strokes taken to a minimum 3. The act of recording scores or running the scoreboard (see also the chart of scores and their names)
Search Google for Scoring:
Entertainment / Fantasy Football / Custom-Scoring League: A league can decide to assign its own value to touchdowns, field goals, extra points, etc. For instance, some leagues will assign point values based on the length of touchdown runs and field goals. Th MORE
Business / Finance / Credit Scoring: The risk that an issuer of debt securities or a borrower may default on its obligations, or that the payment may not be made on a negotiable instrument. Related: Default risk. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Peoria Scoring System: A system of scoring where 6 secret holes are selected, prior to the tournament, and a formula is applied using the scores from those 6 holes to determine a final score (more on tournament formats) MORE
Entertainment / Fantasy Football / Performance Scoring System: A scoring system where players are given bonus points for passing/rushing/receiving milestones. For instance, some leagues will award one point for every 10 rushing yards. Or maybe five points for eve MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Scoring Position: A runner who is on second or third base is said to be in scoring position because, usually, a single will score him. MORE
Entertainment / Fantasy Football / Basic Scoring System: The most basic scoring systems award points only for touchdowns, field goals and extra points. That could be six points for all touchdowns, three points for field goals and one point for extra points. MORE