Short Grass

Entertainment / Golf / Short Grass: Another phrase for the fairway (in contrast to 'long grass' which would be the rough)
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Other Words for Grass

Grass Adjective Synonyms: traitor, informer, stool-pigeon, stoolie, squealer, snitch, squeaker, rat, nark
Grass Noun Synonyms: inform, betray, give away, peach, squeal, snitch, squeak, tattle, rat on, sell out, blow the gaff, nark

Other Words for Short

Short Verb Synonyms: laconic, terse, succinct, pithy, sententious, epigrammatic
Short Noun Synonyms: small, little, slight, petite, diminutive, wee, tiny, elfin, minuscule, midget, dwarfish, squat, dumpy, runty, stubby, stunted, pint-sized, knee-high to a grasshopper, sawn-off
Short Adjective Synonyms: direct, straight, straightforward, short and sweet

Short Vowel

Entertainment / Literature / Short Vowel: As Algeo defines it, 'A vowel of lesser duration than a corresponding long vowel' (329). MORE

Short Ton

Business / Agriculture / Short Ton: Two thousand pounds. By contrast, a long ton equals 2,240 pounds. A metric ton equals 2,204.62 pounds. MORE

Short Term Rate

Business / Real Estate / Short Term Rate: A reduced rate for title insurance applicable in cases where the owner of a property has been insured previously or where any lender has been insured somewhat recently on the property. MORE

Short Term Memory

Science / Chemistry / Short Term Memory: Short term memory is a mechanism for storing temporary information, such as where you parked your car or numbers in a simple arithmetic problems. MORE

Short Wave

Science / Weather / Short Wave: A progressive wave of smaller amplitude, wave length, and duration than a long wave. It moves in the same direction as the basic current in which it is embedded and may induce upward vertical motion a MORE


Technology / Motors / Short-Circuit: A defect in a winding which causes part of the normal electrical circuit to be bypassed. This frequently results in reducing the resistance or impedance to such an extent as to cause overheating of th MORE