Short Iron

Entertainment / Golf / Short Iron: Any of the more lofted, shorter-shafted irons (usually considered the 8 through all wedges)
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Other Words for Short

Short Verb Synonyms: laconic, terse, succinct, pithy, sententious, epigrammatic
Short Adjective Synonyms: direct, straight, straightforward, short and sweet
Short Noun Synonyms: small, little, slight, petite, diminutive, wee, tiny, elfin, minuscule, midget, dwarfish, squat, dumpy, runty, stubby, stunted, pint-sized, knee-high to a grasshopper, sawn-off

Short Ratio(Or Short Interest Ratio)

Business / Finance / Short Ratio(Or Short Interest Ratio): Occurs when a person sells stocks he or she does not yet own. Shares must be borrowed, before the sale, to make 'good delivery' to the buyer. Eventually, the shares must be bought back to close out th MORE

Short Sale

Business / Finance / Short Sale: Number of shares of a security that investors have sold short divided by average daily volume of the security (measured over 30 days or 90 days). There are various interpretations of this ratio. When MORE

Short Selling

Business / Agriculture / Short Selling: Selling a futures contract with the idea of delivering on it or offsetting it at a later date. MORE

Short Rack

Entertainment / Bowling / Short Rack: A pinsetter malfunction whereby it sets up fewer than the full ten pins. MORE

Short Position

Business / Finance / Short Position: The theory that a large interest in short positions in stocks will precede a rise in the market prices, because the short positions must eventually be covered by purchases of the stock. MORE

Short Oil

Entertainment / Bowling / Short Oil: Also known as limited distance dressing/LDD. A condition in which oil is applied to the front 24 feet or less of the lane, with the remainder dry. Can be very high scoring. MORE