Entertainment / Golf / Starter Set: (also 'beginner set, half set') a partial set of golf clubs usually consisting of either the odd or the even numbered irons, a putter and a reduced number of woods
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Set Noun Synonyms: set down, place, put, situate, locate, site, plant, position, station, stand, lay, install or instal, lodge, mount, park, deposit, plump, drop, plunk or plonk (down)
Set Verb Synonyms: establish, fix, fasten on, appoint
Technology / Computers / Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC): A computer processing architecture that requires fewer instructions to run applications, thus increasing processing speed. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Rearsets: When racing a motorcycle or just doing the twisties, a rider often finds that the pegs just get in the way when leaning the bike. A way around this is to relocate the pegs, foot brake, and shifter far MORE
Business / Finance / Regular Settlement: Transaction in which a stock contract is settled and delivered on the fifth full business day following the date of the transaction (trade date). In Japan, regular settlement occurs three business day MORE
Business / Finance / Regular Way Settlement: In the money and bond markets, the standard basis on which some security trades are settled is that the delivery of the securities purchased is made against payment in Fed funds on the day following t MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Rerack Or Reset: A call by a bowler asking that the pins be lifted from the alley and put back properly, because they're off spot. MORE
Business / Finance / Reproducible Assets: A tangible asset with physical properties that can be matched or duplicated, such as a building or machinery. MORE