Entertainment / Golf / Stroke: 1. (also 'shot') the act of swinging a club with the intention of striking the ball 2. The qualitative aspect of the swing (most frequently associated only with putting)
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Stroke Verb Synonyms: flourish, movement, gesture, mark, dash, splash
Stroke Noun Synonyms: action, motion, go, move, movement, feat, achievement
Stroke Adjective Synonyms: blow, rap, tap, thump, knock, smack, whack, swipe, slam, strike, wallop
Technology / Motorcycle / Stroker: Stroker has at least two definitions. First, it is another word for a 2-stroke engine. Second, it refers to increasing the stroke in a Harley-Davidson engine (or any other make) to give it more horsep MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / 2-Stroke: A 2-Stroke is an engine (also known as a Stroker) having two strokes per cycle. The combustion stroke occurs when the piston moves down allowing the exhaust gases to exit through an opening. The compr MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Four Stroke Engine: The most common engine design found in street motorcycles. It refers to the number of times a piston moves up and down through each power cycle. 1. A downward stroke brings in the fuel/air mixture. 2. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / 4-Stroke: A 4-Stroke is an engine that uses four strokes to complete a complete cycle. The four strokes are: Intake, Compression, Combustion, and Exhaust. During the Intake Stroke, the intake valve opens and an MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Stroke Letter: In paleography, a stroke letter was one made mostly from minims (i.e., straight vertical lines). These included the letters i, m, n, u, and v. Such stroke letters in medieval handwriting are often har MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Stroker or Tweener: A player that has more accuracy and less power than a cranker, with more power than a straight player; also tweener. MORE