Swing Weight

Entertainment / Golf / Swing Weight: The relative weight of a clubhead's leverage (usually measured on a scale with a 12 or 14-inch fulcrum), technically - moment of inertia, or the tendency of a body to resist angular acceleration: swing weights are comprised of a letter followed by a number, e.g., d-3 (the closer to the beginning of the alphabet the letter the lighter the swing weight and for each letter the lower the number, from 0-9, the lighter the swing weight), most golf clubs' swing weights fall between the letters c and e, the majority of ladies clubs are in the c range and the majority of men's clubs are in the d range
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Other Words for Swing

Swing Adverb Synonyms: sway, move or go to and fro or back and forth or backwards and forwards, come and go, wave, fluctuate, flap, oscillate, vibrate, librate, waver, wobble, waggle, zigzag, wigwag, flourish
Swing Noun Synonyms: swinging, sway, swaying, toing and froing, coming and going, waving, fluctuation, fluctuating, flapping, flap, oscillation, oscillating, vibration, vibrating, libration, waver, wavering, wobble, wobbling, waggle, waggling, zigzag, zigzagging, wigwag, wigw
Swing Verb Synonyms: hang, dangle, be hanged, be suspended

Other Words for Weight

Weight Noun Synonyms: arrange, manipulate, bias, incline, slant, rig
Weight Verb Synonyms: heaviness, avoirdupois, mass, tonnage, heft


Technology / Motorcycle / Swingarm: The one- or two-sided arm (often made of aluminum or steel) that connects the rear wheel to the frame and moves up and down with the rear suspension. A two-sided swingarm could be described as a pivot MORE


Technology / Aviation / Swing-Wing: A wing whose horizontal angle to the fuselage centerline can be adjusted in flight to vary aircraft motion at differing speeds. MORE

Swing Weight

Entertainment / Golf / Swing Weight: The relative weight of a clubhead's leverage (usually measured on a scale with a 12 or 14-inch fulcrum), technically - moment of inertia, or the tendency of a body to resist angular acceleration: swin MORE