Entertainment / Golf / Tee Time: The time assigned for a group to begin play on their first hole (in non-competitive situations could also be called a 'reservation')
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Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch
Technology / Digital Cameras / Self-Timer: A setting that allows a lapse between pressing the shutter button and firing of the camera. MORE
Business / Finance / Securities Industry Committee On Arbitration (SICA): A private group that provides mediation services in case of customer complaints against securities firms. MORE
Technology / Radar / Sensitivity Time Control (STC): An electronic circuit designed to automatically increase the gain as the electron beam is deflected from the center to the edge of the scope. Also called anti-clutter gain control. MORE
Business / Finance / Sentiment Indicators: The general feeling of investors about the state of the market, such as whether they are bullish or bearish. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Settee: The area behind the approach and between the concourse. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Sentimental Novel: An eighteenth-century or early nineteenth-century novel emphasizing pathos rather than reason and focusing on an optimistic view of the essential goodness of human nature. Examples include Laurence St MORE