Weak Grip

Entertainment / Golf / Weak Grip: Where the hands are rotated into a position of less physical advantage on the grip and, all else being equal, the club face has a tendency to open during the swing (e.g., for a right-handed player the left hand would be in a weak position if the 'v' formed by the thumb and forefinger pointed toward the chin or farther to the player's left: the right hand would be in a weak position if the v pointed more toward the left shoulder than vertical: the grip might generally be referred to as weak if either the left hand or both hands were in a weak position -- what constitutes weak or strong may vary between players and opinions on weak or strong may vary slightly between experts)
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Other Words for Grip

Grip Noun Synonyms: control, command, hold, mastery, authority, influence, power, rule, domination, sovereignty, tenure, dominion, suzerainty, custody
Grip Verb Synonyms: hold, grasp, clutch, handgrip, clasp, hand-clasp

Other Words for Weak

Weak Verb Synonyms: frail, infirm, debilitated, enervated, delicate, sickly, anaemic, wasted, decrepit, puny, effete, worn out, tired, exhausted
Weak Noun Synonyms: feeble, frail, fragile, unsubstantial, flimsy, breakable, frangible, delicate, rickety, unsteady, unsound, decrepit, shaky, infirm
Weak Adjective Synonyms: weak-minded, dim-witted, dull-witted, slow-witted, foolish, feeble-minded, simple, simple-minded, soft-headed, stupid, dull, moronic, imbecilic, dumb

Weak Dollar

Business / Finance / Weak Dollar: A stock representing ownership in a corporation that is worth less than the actual invested capital, resulting in problems of low liquidity, inadequate return on investment, and low market value. MORE

Weak Electrolyte

Science / Chemistry / Weak Electrolyte: A weak electrolyte is a solute that incompletely dissociates into ions in solution. For example, acetic acid partially dissociates into acetate ions and hydrogen ions, so that an acetic acid solution MORE

Weak Ending

Entertainment / Literature / Weak Ending: In poetry, another term for a feminine ending, in which the last syllable of a metrical line is unstressed. See discussion under meter. MORE