Science / Geology / Bituminous Coal: A rank of coal that falls between anthracite and semi-bituminous. The most abundant rank of coal. Frequently referred to by the layman as 'soft coal'.
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Science / Geology / Coal Liquefaction: The process of converting solid coal into a liquid fuel such as synthetic crude oil or methanol. MORE
Science / Weather / Coalescence: The merging of two water drops into a single larger drop. MORE
Life Style / Painting / Coalescing: The settling or drying of an emulsion paint as the water evaporates. MORE
Science / Geology / Coal Gasification: The process of converting solid coal into gas, usually by heating. The gas is then used as a fuel or processed into a chemical or liquid fuel. MORE
Science / Geology / Coal: A brown or black sedimentary rock that forms from accumulated plant debris. A combustible rock that contains at least 50% (by weight) carbon compounds. Picture of Coal. MORE
Science / Geology / Bituminous Coal: A rank of coal that falls between anthracite and semi-bituminous. The most abundant rank of coal. Frequently referred to by the layman as 'soft coal'. MORE