Science / Geology / Delay Rental: A payment to a mineral rights owner by a lessee if commercial production does not begin according to the terms of the mineral rights contract. Failure to pay the delay rental will result in termination of the lease.
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Delay Noun Synonyms: lull, interlude, hiatus, interruption, gap, interval, lacuna, stop, stoppage, wait, waiting, hold-up, suspension
Delay Verb Synonyms: hold up or back, detain, impede, hinder, retard, keep, bog down, set back, slow (up or down), stop, arrest, halt, check, obstruct
Delay Adjective Synonyms: postpone, put off or aside, defer, temporize, suspend, shelve, hold off or up (on), put on hold, hold in abeyance, put or keep in a holding pattern, pigeon-hole, put on ice, put in or into the deep-freeze, put on the back burner
Technology / Home Audio / Phase Delay: A phase-shifted sine wave appears displaced in time from the input waveform. This displacement is called phase delay. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Rental Center: A special leasing office located in an apartment complex. Usually includes a furnished model and a closing area. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Parental Lockout: Parental Lockout allows users to set a password to control access to programming based on channel, rating or content. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Parental Leave: A benefit designed to provide employees with approved paid or unpaid time off following the birth or adoption of a child or to care for a dependent. MORE
Technology / Email / List Rental: The process in which a publisher or advertiser pays a list owner to send its messages to that list. Usually involves the list owner sending the message's on the advertiser's behalf. (If someone hands MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Non-Delay Play: A disc changer feature with significantly reduced silence between the time one disc is finished, and the next disc is loaded and cued. MORE