Science / Geology / Mineral Interest: An ownership, lease, concession, or other contractual interest that gives a party the right to explore and extract mineral resources on a property.
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Interest Noun Synonyms: attention, attentiveness, concern, regard, curiosity, scrutiny, notice, engagement
Interest Adjective Synonyms: concern, significance, importance, weight, moment, note, consequence
Business / Real Estate / Mineral Rights: Rights to subsurface land and profits. Nornally, when real property is conveyed, it includes everything above and below the surface of the land, except where specified by the grantor. MORE
Life Style / Painting / Mineral Spirits: An effective paint thinner, especially when using oil based paints. MORE
Science / Geology / Mineral Lease: A contract in which a mineral interest owner conveys to another party a right to explore for, develop, and produce mineral resources. The lessee acquires a working interest and the lessor retains a ro MORE
Science / Geology / Mineral Interest: An ownership, lease, concession, or other contractual interest that gives a party the right to explore and extract mineral resources on a property. MORE
Science / Geology / Mineral: A naturally occurring element or compound with a precise chemical formula and a regular internal lattice structure. Organic products are usually not included. MORE
Health / Vitamins / Mineralization: The addition of any mineral to the body. MORE