Mountain Noun Synonyms: height, elevation, mount, eminence, prominence, peak, alp, tor, summit, fell, Irish English ben
Life Style / Coffee / Jamaica Blue Mountain: Celebrated single-origin coffee from above 3,000 feet elevation in the Blue Mountain District of Jamaica. Can be exceptional: rich, complex, bouillon-like. More often a rather ordinary balanced, low-t MORE
Life Style / Coffee / Gayo Mountain: Market name for coffee exported by a large processing center and mill in Aceh Province, northern Sumatra. Wet-processed Gayo Mountain tends to be a clean but often underpowered version of the Sumatra MORE
Life Style / Coffee / Jamaica Blue Mountain Style: Various blends of coffee intended by their originators to approximate the qualities of authentic Jamaica Blue Mountain. These blends may contain no actual Jamaican coffee. MORE
Science / Weather / Intermountain High: An area of high pressure that occurs during the winter between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra-Cascade ranges. It blocks the eastward movement of Pacific cyclones. Also called Plateau High or Great MORE
Science / Geology / Block Fault Mountain: A linear mountain that is bounded on both sides by normal faults. MORE
Life Style / Poetry / Black Mountain Poets: Charles olson, robert creeley, and robert duncan, all associated with black mountain college, north carolina, and all promoting a non-traditional poetics. MORE