Science / Geology / Richter Magnitude Scale: A scale that is used to compare the strength of earthquakes based upon the amount of energy released. The scale is logarithmic and an arbitrary earthquake was used as a starting point for creating the scale. As a result it is a continuous scale with no upper limit and negative numbers possible for very small earthquakes. An upper limit of approximately 9.0 is suspected as Earth materials will most likely fail before storing enough energy for a larger magnitude earthquake.
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Magnitude Verb Synonyms: greatness, size, extent, bigness, immensity, enormousness, dimensions
Scale Adverb Synonyms: flake, imbrication, scurf, dandruff, squama, plate, scute or scutum, lamina, lamella
Scale Noun Synonyms: coating, encrustation or incrustation, crust, overlay, layer, cake, caking, tartar, plaque
Business / Finance / Offering Scale: The range of prices offered by the underwriter of a serial bond issue with different maturities. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Pentatonic Scale: Five-note pattern used in some African, Far Eastern and Native American musics: can also be found in Western music as an example of exoticism. MORE