Subduction Zone

Science / Geology / Subduction Zone: An area at a convergent plate boundary where an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle beneath another plate. These can be identified by a zone of progressively deeper earthquakes.
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Other Words for Zone

Zone Noun Synonyms: area, quarter, district, region, sector, section, sphere, belt, territory, province, realm, domain, precinct, bailiwick, department, terrain, circle, locality, locale, turf

Target Heart Rate Zone

Health / Fitness / Target Heart Rate Zone: The number of heartbeats per minute reflecting the exercise intensity that gains the maximum training benefits from an aerobic workout. The formula for obtaining a target heart rate equals 220 minus y MORE

Surf Zone

Science / Geology / Surf Zone: An area of breaking waves bounded by the point of first breakers, then landward to the maximum uprush of waves on the beach. MORE

Sunlight Zone

Science / Marine Biology / Sunlight Zone: See Photic Zone. MORE

Target Zone Arrangement

Business / Finance / Target Zone Arrangement: In the context of takeovers, the price at which an acquirer aims to buy a target firm. In the context of options, the price of the underlying security at which an option will become in the money. In t MORE

Twilight Zone

Technology / Aviation / Twilight Zone: Long before Rod Serling's tv series was this consumer-lever definition for a glitch in the ADCOCK RANGE, officially called a Bi-Signal Zone. It was a portion of the overlapping area of a beam where th MORE

Wrack Zone

Science / Marine Biology / Wrack Zone: A bank of accumulated litter at the strandline MORE