
Science / Geology / Surf: The breaking or tumbling forward of water waves as they approach the shore.
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Health / Massage / Shiat-Surf: This is a hands-and-foot-on therapy system designed to create space and unblock restrictions in the body via gravity. Shiat-Surf works with the body’s breathing, pulses, and nervous system. MORE

Surface Structure

Entertainment / Literature / Surface Structure: In linguistics, Noam Chomsky distinguishes between superficial 'surface structure' and 'deep structure.' Surface structure is a particular speech act (parole) as distinct from the biological hardwirin MORE


Business / Internet Marketing / Surfing: Exploring World Wide Web. Commonly seen as 'Surfing the 'Net.' MORE

Surface Plate

Business / Machine Shop / Surface Plate: An accurately machined and scraped flat metal piece (usually of cast iron) used to check the flatness of surfaces. MORE

Surface Layer

Science / Marine Biology / Surface Layer: The layer of the ocean extending from the surface to a depth above which the ocean is homogeneous due to wind mixing MORE

Surface Grinding

Business / Machine Shop / Surface Grinding: The process of grinding flat surfaces on a surface grinding machine. With special setups, angular and form surfaces may also be ground. MORE