Science / Weather / Climate: The historical record and description of average daily and in seasonal weather events that help describe a region. Statistics are generally drawn over several decades. The word is derived from the Greek klima, meaning inclination, and reflects the importance early scholars attributed to the sun's influence.
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Climate Noun Synonyms: weather, clime
Science / Weather / Temperate Climate: Climates with distinct winter and summer seasons, typical of regions found between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. Considered the climate of the middle latitu MORE
Science / Geology / Paleoclimate: The climate of a given area at a specific time in the past. Paleoclimates can be read from the rocks much as areas with different types of climates produce sediments with specific characteristics toda MORE
Science / Weather / Climate Analysis Center (CAC): The U.S. National Weather Service division that applies new technology and approaches to the analysis, diagnosis, and projection of short term climate fluctuations on a regional and global basis. MORE